Hyeck-Soo Son Follow

PD Dr. med. Hyeck Soo Son, Ophthalmologist and Corneal faculty at the Heidelberg University Eye Clinic.

Hyeck-Soo Son

Posts by Hyeck-Soo Son


The patient's uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) values were 0.2 decimal in his right eye (OD) and 0.08 in the left (OS) His corrected distance visual Acuity (CDVA) was  +0.5 -8.0 77° = 0.63 OD and +2.0 -10.0 108° =0.25 OS. At 1-day postoperatively, the UDVA already improved to 0

In clinical report, Jul 11, 2024

Pinhole Xtrafocus

Heidelberg University Eye Clinic successfully treated a patient with radial keratotomy 22 years prior using a Morcher Xtrafocus lens, correcting fluctuating residual refraction after cataract surgery.

In Clinical, news, Sep 01, 2020

IOL sutured to an Artificial Iris - does it affect the IOL's optics?

Researchers assessed the optical quality of monofocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) sutured to an artificial iris, finding that while the lenses' modulation transfer function (MTF) decreased slightly, the changes were clinically irrelevant.

In laboratory, news, Aug 05, 2020

Dry eye drops

Evaporative dry eye (EDE) is a common condition where tears evaporate too quickly, causing discomfort, irritation, and blurred vision. It is often caused by meibomian gland dysfunction, which can be treated with warm compresses, thermal pulsation, intense pulsed light, and meibomian gland probing. EDE can also be managed with topical medications like spironolactone and azithromycin.

In clinical, news, Aug 03, 2020

Visualising rays in IOLs

The study visualized and analyzed the optical performance of four intraocular lens (IOL) models using a ray propagation imaging technique and modulation transfer function (MTF) measurements. The IOLs included a monofocal, bifocal, trifocal, and extended-depth-of-focus (EDOF) lens. The results showed distinct foci for distance and near vision in the bifocal and EDOF IOLs, and three distinct foci in the trifocal IOL. The technique allowed for a qualitative assessment and comparison of light energy distribution between different IOL models.

In research, news, Feb 05, 2020

Functional results and photic phenomena with Mini WELL Ready IOL

The study evaluated the clinical outcomes of the Mini WELL Ready extended-depth-of-focus intraocular lens (EDOF-IOL) in 14 cataract patients. The lens provided good postoperative functional results at far and intermediate distances, with high rates of spectacle independence and satisfaction in everyday life. Patients reported little to no dysphotopsia, and the lens improved visual and reading acuity at reading distances.

In news, publication, Aug 28, 2018